Social Outreach
Molding Clay,
Molding Ourselves
We are all by products of our circumstances. Some of us have been fortunate enough to be afforded plentiful opportunities to love, learn, grow and develop ourselves. Others may have been voided of many of these occasions.
At Clayroom, our social outreach program's core mission is to provide an avenue for youth to discover an art-form, build self-confidence and self-worth that will precipitate across other avenues of life. In crux, we want to level-out the playing field.
Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
Clayroom's Focus
We're excited to for our second round of the mentorship program starting January, 2019. We're looking for committed mentors who can devoted 1.5 hours per week with youth.
Intention is mutually beneficial for mentor and mentee and include:
• Learning a tangible skill and enhancing self-worth
• A therapeutic release
• Connecting with someone outside of their standard circle of influence
• Empathy for others
Interested in Being a Mentor?
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